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Kobar Health Office Holds Capacity Building Activities for Health Workers and Elderly Posyandu Cadres

The Health Office (Dinkes) of Kotawaringin Barat (Kobar) Regency carried out capacity building activities for Health Workers (Nakes) and Elderly Posyandu Cadres (Elderly) in the Kobar Health Office hall on Monday (19/06).

This activity was attended by senior program managers from 18 puskesmas and 18 posyandu cadres throughout West Java, presenting resource persons from the Kobar Health Office.

In his remarks, the Head of the Kobar Health Office, Achmad Rois, said that the process of getting old causes a person to experience physical and mental changes. One of the very basic problems in the elderly is health problems, so health guidance is needed in the elderly group.

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